Land clearing

Different Land Clearing Methods

Land clearing has been done for many centuries. It involves the cleaning of land such as the removal of bushes as well as the trees on some certain places of the land. You cannot just clear any land whenever you want. It depends on the location, purpose and size of the land. It is not an easy job to do by an individual person for non-professionals. You require the assistance of professional and clearance services and equipment so that it will not create a mess.

Most used land clearing methods:

  • Pushover:

In this method, you can utilise the major construction equipment to complete your job. In this method, the trees are pushed over and hauled off the land with their roots still intact with them. One this process is complete, and fees are moved to the central location, then they will be processed for sale, and sometimes they are grounded for use as a mulching material.

  • Cut and grind:

This method involved the cutting of the trees in that area that you want to clear. Most of the time, these trees are moved to the processing location. But the stumps of the trees are left on the ground and can be used for munching material. There is also one thing apart from this process with the stumps is that they might get pulled out of the grown with the help of construction machinery. This is also good for environmental rehabilitation.

Other land clearing methods:

  • Chainsaw:

But a small plot of lands, the Chainsaw works with efficiency. With the help of Chainsaw, you can handle the large trees very easily. But after that, the roots and the stumps remain on their positions as well.

  •  Backhoe:

If you think that hiring an excavating firm to clear the land will be expensive for you, then you have the option to rent a backhoe. When renting a backhoe, you have to make sure that it must have different and reorder with a fork and rake. The rake is used to clear the small objects. On the other hand, for transportation, the fork is used and also the loader is used for digging. When you are using the rake, you must be careful so that you won’t destroy the soil. If you don’t have any idea of how to use the backhoe, then you can also rent an operator for you for land clearing.

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Kelly Hatch

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