plant fertilizer

What You Need to know About Mineral-Based Fertilizers

Fertilizers play an important role in enhancing the soils so that plants can grow healthy and produce well. A plant fertilizer can either be organic or inorganic. Different types of fertilizers are composed of different elements. In this article, we’ll talk about mineral-based fertilizers and what you need to know about them.

So, mineral-based fertilizers are natural minerals that are available in rocks. The rocks decompose and release minerals gradually over time. It’s a slow process that requires months and sometimes years. The utilization of these mineral fertilizers in organic gardens increase the fertility of the soils as time goes by.

There are many different types of mineral-based fertilizers. Some of the most popular among home gardeners include Greensand, Limestone, Gypsum, and Epsom Salt. Limestone is available in three forms and all come with a different nutrient value. However, that depends on the type and origin.

Epsom Salt Fertilizers

Epsom Salt happens to be a fertilizer too. It comes with sulfur and magnesium. It’s a fast-acting fertilizer that can be diluted in water and be used as a drench fertilizer or utilized as foliage. You can buy this kind of fertilizer at food stores or pharmacies. It’s available in granular form. You’re supposed to mix a single tablespoon of the fertilizer with one gallon of water. From there, spray this organic mineral fertilizer to your pepper or tomatoes once they have begun to bloom and they will look great after that.

Limestone Fertilizers

Next, Garden Limestone is available in a powder form. It’s generally used in raising the pH level in the garden soil. Dolomitic Limestone has a high concentration of magnesium and calcium. You can either buy in a granular or powder form. Calcitic Limestone has high quantities of calcium carbonate. It’s important to test your soil for magnesium content and pH levels before selecting the kind of limestone to utilize and the amount to apply to your soil.

Gypsum Fertilizers

Gypsum comes as a powder mineral that includes sulfur and calcium. It’s commonly utilized in adding calcium to the soil without the risk of raising the pH level of the soil. Greensand is a product mined from old marine deposits. It has potassium and many other different micronutrients. It comes in a powder form and breaks down gradually building the soil’s potassium levels over several years.


Organic gardening is a healthy and eco-friendly way of gardening. It’s a way of gardening harmoniously with nature. Using an organic best fertilizer enables you to grow healthy and productive crops in a manner that’s both healthy to you, your family, and the environment.  

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